Buy Wooden Furniture
We are interested in component of quality wooden furnitures ,stairs for the Korean market.
We want to find supplier: We want co-work and import product as well as business cooperation .
1. Find quality manufacturer ( not mass factory production if possible) who produce some artistic handmade furniture, component of stair and small interior furniture .
We are small but artistic carpenter group can estimate the quality ,
- Qaulity component of wooden stair
- quality hand made small size furniture for ex .
bread box, paper tissue box, vegitable box, interphone box, sandal holder .
Those are selling and furniture workshops ( woodworking studio0 in Korea .but expensive for the market .
From China,Korean customer sick and tired.dissapointed imported chief small sized furniture .
Because, we are on quite high reputation , we must keep the quality
What we sell ( high-tier products ) or we do not sell .
Pls contact us for more details.
Best Regards,
Country:South Korea (Republic Of Korea)
联系方式 Co:Kyung Soon PARK
Add:South Korea (Republic Of Korea).
Tel:+82 1056451330
Website:www.asungi.com LinkMan:Kyung Soon PARK