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更新时间:2024-6-29   浏览/回复:281次/0次  [收藏此信息]

    Buy Tiles From China 详细内容 We are looking for a productionline somewhere in China, were they can manufacture tiles for special events. For example: future international sportsevents like the Olympic Games, international soccerchampionships, Tour de France and other significant sportsevents. But also tiles for sportsshops from soccerclubs, icescatingclubs etc. And also tiles for special societyevents like de future crowning of our crownprince and -princess. Summarized: tiles for special occasions and merchandisingpurposes. Always in guaranteed quantities from approximately 5000 to 100.000 pieces. For a future cooperation with a tiles manufacturer abroad, this means: no continues but regular orders for the production of earthenware tiles ( 15 x 15 cm., 13 x 13 cm. and 10 x 10 cm.) with various painted of silkscreened designs. We will supply the designs and assist in other ways desired. When finished, these goods will them be shipped to the Netherlands, were we will distribute them amoung our sellers and dealers. In their shops these tiles will be offered for relative small prices, contrary to our own en very exclusive collection tiles that we will keep on manufacture ourselves. Primarily we are examining, whether there are possibilities for such a cooperation. Actual engagements will only occur after ample deliberation. Hoping to hear from you. Country:Netherlands /网站 联系方式 Co:Plateelbakkerij Delft Add:41 Jolstraat Tholen The Netherlands Tel:0166-751862, 06-18531427, 06-23632397 LinkMan:Mr. Rene



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